Frequently Asked Questions

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To pay by card through IPI’s PayPal account, you can use this link Please enter a note indicating to which event or program we should apply your payment.

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If you prefer to send a wire transfer from your bank, please email contact us bank transfer for information.

Once you’ve paid via one of these options, please email contact us to let us know you’ve made the payment. Otherwise, your registration may not be entered into the system in time.

Unfortunately, no. Our accreditation requires that participants attend live and participate in faculty-led discussion. We occasionally can offer “revisited” lectures using a recorded lecture with live faculty-led discussion.
Many of IPI’s training events are open to the interested participant without requiring enrollment in a full training program. See the Training Calendar for all open enrollment options.
IPI is solidly grounded in an Object Relations theoretical approach but we maintain a stance of openness and active interest to study new developments in the psychoanalytic field. Our trainings invite speakers who have made important contributions to the field – whatever their psychoanalytic orientation. The IPI syllabi include readings from multiple psychoanalytic perspectives, and we endeavor to select readings that are culturally sensitive and racially diverse.
The national training programs and events offered by IPI, as well as the local programs offered by IPI affiliates and independent IPI faculty members, are designed for a diverse audience at varying levels of experience.
We consider our entry level program the Object Relations Theory and Practice certificate program.
Feel free to contact IPI, or any of the local program faculty, for more information about what program is right for you.
All applicants for certificate training programs will be interviewed to evaluate their professional experience, relevant credentials, and readiness for advanced training. The only specific criteria for admission are a background in one of the mental health disciplines, interest in object relations theory, adherence to professional ethics, and commitment to group learning. Some programs have additional prerequisites. We recruit a diverse body of participants at various levels of experience and from all mental health disciplines. Our admission policy is deliberately non-exclusive.

Object Relations theory holds that human development is driven by our inherent relatedness. We are born with the need to relate to our parents and other family members. As babies, we look for closeness, warmth, and safety. We need to feel that we matter to the people who matter to us.

But being dependent on another person means that we have to deal with frustration. Taking in and coping with frustrating experience sets up personality patterns that should mature at each developmental challenge. Sometimes, though, we get stuck. Psychotherapy reaches in to unlock the logjams left over from early years and open the personality to new learning and better relationships.

Please see Object Relations Theory for more information.

IPI is a nonprofit corporation devoted to providing quality training in the theory and practice of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, in maintaining a spirit of intellectual openness, and in incorporating community service and diverse membership throughout the Institute.

The two-year Object Relations Theory and Practice Program, the Weekend Conferences (with periodic exceptions), and the summer institutes for the Object Theory and Practice Program, and the International Institute for Psychoanalytic Training are held in the Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD area.

Study groups, distance learning seminars, consultation, special conferences, and other training opportunities are available from IPI faculty or IPI affiliates in a number of cities worldwide (for more information about these opportunities, see the IPI Affiliate Programs page). Many study groups, distance learning seminars and supervision are also available by online videoconference.